random babbling

This is a blog that many people may consider to be random babbling, as this is a blog talking about stuff in science, such as chemisty, physics, biology, geology, etc. and many people think science is just random nonsense. This used to be a blog solely about physics, but I decided it should include other sciences as well.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Here's an interesting link from CERN's website that talks about antimatter.

Antimatter: Mirror of the Universe

Antimatter is matter composed of antiatoms. Atoms are composed of electrons (negative charge), protons (positive charge), and neutrons (neutral). Antiatoms, on the other hand, are composed of identical particles but of opposite charge: positrons (positive charge), antiprotons (negative charge), and antineutrons (also neutral). Antimatter looks identical to matter. When antimatter has contact with "regular" matter, they annihilate, creating pure energy as the antimatter and matter just disappear into nothing. Any particle (except neutral particles, which always have neutral charges) will annihilate with the same effect with its counterparter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antimatter could be created by these steps:
1.Have space filled 100% of electrons.
2.Knock out an electron with light.
3. The empty space gets filled with a positron [anti-electron]

10:19 AM  

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