random babbling

This is a blog that many people may consider to be random babbling, as this is a blog talking about stuff in science, such as chemisty, physics, biology, geology, etc. and many people think science is just random nonsense. This used to be a blog solely about physics, but I decided it should include other sciences as well.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stephen W. Hawking

Stephen W. Hawking is the greatest physicist of our time. He has formulated ideas about many things, including string theory, quantum mechanics, black holes, and even white holes (though later he stated that his idea about white holes is wrong). He has and is doing a lot of research about the supposed "Theory of Everything" and other "great theories". He strides to combine the laws of the four forces in physics: strong force, weak force, magnetic force, and gravitational force.
Mr. Hawking lives in the UK in Cambridge. He is crippled by ALS, or neuron motor disease, but he still has a great mind. He has written many books and given many lectures (with his voice synthesizer computer on his wheelchair). One book I recomment is The Universe in a Nutshell, which talks about many cool physics stuff. The reading level is just right so people with little prior knowledge of physics could understand it too.

Stephen W. Hawking's Homepage


Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOE [Theory of Everything]. 1337. I have the book "The Brief Histoy of Time" or something like that. He's cool.

7:49 PM  

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